Virtual Onboarding & Training

Train your employees rapidly and effectively with a virtual onboarding. Reduce productivity times of new hires and reduce training costs with an engaging virtual event

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Welcome your employees with a virtual fair dedicated to onboarding and in-company training

Increase the productivity of new hires from all over the world with a virtual event for remote training and onboarding: do it through rich interactive tools such as webinars, video / audio chats and much more. The best part? You can measure the performance of the virtual event in real time.

Get your employees to access to virtual onboarding days in a practical way

We created highly functional and user-friendly landing pages that will reflect your tone of voice in layout and design


Engage employees with an easy-to-navigate virtual Onboarding event

Thanks to help desks and stands located throughout the virtual fair, allow your employees to easily navigate and choose the areas that convey information on topics of their interest.



Integrate quality content into your 3D area

Help employees to easily reach relevant information through:

  • Brochures and Infographics
  • Documents
  • Presentations
  • Editable forms
  • Informative videos

Support your virtual Onboarding with quality webinars

  • Safe and fast interaction
  • Possibility of interaction during webinars
  • Live video conference

Allow trainers to interact with employees via audio / video / text chats

Simplify the onboarding process by providing online chat tools where new employees can connect directly with old employees. Answer questions, have discussions on various topics without leaving the platform.

The ROI of your virtual event is at your immediate disposal thanks to our reports

Through our statistics you can consult:

  • Number of visitors
  • Average visits’ duration
  • Number of interactions within chats


Are test modules available for virtual onboarding?

Yes, upon request a test module can be created and incorporated into the event.

Can videoconferencing be used in multiple ways?

Yes. Experts can host live webinar sessions during the event and can also upload pre-recorded video tutorials. Virtual stands can also be enabled for video chats in order to respond to all visitors' requests.

How can I track the performance of my event?

The event's system provides performance statistics during the event along with full reports upon event completion. These reports include statistics on attendance, number of visitors by stand, sessions length by visitor, viewed, shared and downloaded content along with the demographic breakdown of visitors.

Which technology do I need to perform a virtual Onboarding?

Hyper Smarter runs on the cloud without the need of any software installation to access virtual onboarding. All you need is a standard web browser and a stable internet connection.